Woodland Wonders Forest school have had a busy Summer term bringing forest schools to the year 1 children at The March C of E Primary School using the Seeley Copse, Goodwood site. We linked forest school activities and imaginary play with topics learnt in class. Mini-beasts, animals and nature that live in the woods, birds, nests and eggs, fairies and mythical creatures are some of the topics we looked at this half term. Children learnt, created, explored and imagined. They used hand tools to make creative and individual items out of natural materials, wood cookie ladybirds, disc neclaces, clay art, leaf bashing and whittling sticks, were but a few.
The children helped make lunch, they chopped vegetables for stews and pasta, cooked croissants on a stick over the fire for dessert, made bird nests cakes and ate toasted marshmallows for a treat.
There were opportunities for fun and play, making up role play games, creating worlds for fairies at bases of trees, we went on a fairy hunt, listened to the bluebells to show us the way and finding the fairy door in the base of the magical tree. Getting messy in the mud kitchen when making mud cakes and afternoon tea!! Playing in the hammock and time on the swing. Not forgetting opportunities to explore and make dens and general play before the day was over!
We are very much looking forward to the next half term for more fun, adventure and learning new things with The March year 1 children. Woodland Wonders are also very excited to be offering a new after school club at The March Primary School for years 2 to 6 beginning in the second week of the next half term.
We were very pleased to have the opportunity to introduce a forest school experience afternoon with St Anthony’s School. Working with a group of year 6 boys, introducing them to fire lighting, whittling a stick to cook their pastries, leaf bashing and exploring and imaginary play. We hope to see you again soon, we had a great afternoon and the happy, smiling faces that left the woods that afternoon, we think you did too!
A forest school programme designed and created for adults with learning difficulties was also running this half term. We focus on developing life skills, helping each other and working together, developing communication skills, learning to relax and be mindful.
Making and lighting the fire is always the first activity as the group always make a hot lunch for all participants to enjoy. The types of dishes that we have cooked in the past are chilli con-carni, pasta’s, stews, hand-made burgers, sausages and jacket potatoes. The group are involved in the preparing and cooking of these dishes and they are specifically chosen so that they can be cooked at home.
The group also learn tool use to make natural items to take home, whittling and sawing etc, some of the items that we have made are wooden mallets, wood snails, charcoal pencils, necklaces, discs and tent pegs. Developing and nurturing patience, working together, resilience and desterity. These are very popular forest school sessions, which we run on a four week rota and are currently fully booked until September!
If you are interested in running forest schools for your school, community, home ed group or special needs groups we would love to hear from you to discuss forest school opportunities designed for your needs.