Forest School Summer Holiday Sessions (FREE HAF PLACES)
Beat the Boredom – Forest school for adventurous kids!
These are drop off sessions for children aged 5 to 11yrs.
Dates: Monday 24th – Thursday 27th July, 9-1pm
Location: Parklands Community Primary School, Chichester
What we will be doing:
- Fun and engaging age appropriate activities
- Be involved in lunch preparation
- Learn about healthy food and healthy eating
- Different ways of fire lighting
- Wild science and problem solving challenges
- Green woodworking activities
- Team games
- Cook your own snacks over the campfire
- Story telling
- Tracking and trailing
- Discovery, Exploring and playing
- Wild art and natural crafts
- Be active and learn new skills
- Things to make to take home
- And anything else we can think of!!!
Engaging young minds in a fun and enriching way through a variety of different wild learning activities at each session.
Price: £28.00 per child, includes a freshly prepares hot lunch OR FREE for children who receive free school meals. (Picnic lunch if there is a fire ban due to the hot weather).
HAF FSM Free sessions: Funded by the WSCC Holidays and Activities Grant there are a number of places available for eligible free school meal children to attend for free. To book these places please use the new WSCC online booking page (All of our holiday activities are under the forest school section): https://haf.bookinglab.co.uk/westsussex/37147/login